A few figures

In 2021, year-on-year net migration of the permanent foreign resident population remained stable at 61,526 persons. Total immigration increased by 3.3 per cent and emigration by 5.9 per cent. Immigration declined among EU/EFTA nationals, and rose among third-country nationals. At the end of December 2021, 2,190,293 foreign nationals were living permanently in Switzerland.

Usual foreign resident population in 2021

Total: 2'190'293

Italy 331379
Germany 313702
Portugal 258943
France 151551
Kosovo 115575
Spain 89473
North Macedonia 68461
Turkey 68100
Serbia 58582
Austria 45216
Other 689311

In 2021, year-on-year immigration of the permanent foreign resident population increased by 4,587 persons. While 94,870 persons immigrated to Switzerland from the EU and EFTA (-3,173 persons), the figure for third-country nationals was 46,679 persons (+7,760 persons).

Immigration of permanent foreign residents by purpose, 2021

Number of entries

Residence without pursuit of economic activity 4781
Pursuit of economic activity, not subject to quotas 62191
Family reunification 40054
Initial and subsequent training 16184
Pursuit of economic activity, subject to quotas 5868
Asylum granted to recognised refugee 4338
Hardship case following asylum process 3787
Asylum process settled under terms of FNA 134
Other purpose 4212

Total 141 549

Family reunification accounted for 28 per cent of immigration for long-term residence. 40,054 persons immigrated to Switzerland (+4.6% compared to 2020) for family reunification purposes, with 18.9 per cent being family members of a Swiss national. Stays for education or training purposes accounted for 11.4 per cent of immigration for long-term residence (16,184 persons, -3.6 %).

Naturalizations from 1.1.2021 to 31.12.2021 by nationality

Nationality Regular naturalisation Simplified naturalisation Reinstatement of Swiss citizenship Total number of naturalisations Total acquisition of Swiss citizenship
Germany 6851 1090 6 7947 31
Italy 3187 1011 9 4207 9
France 2719 422 11 3152 5
Kosovo 2168 324 3 2495 6
Portugal 1946 131 5 2082 8
Turkey 1178 303 2 1483 1
North Macedonia 1105 217 0 1322 3
Serbia 1023 195 0 1218 1
Spain 842 231 0 1073 7
UK 761 101 2 864 1
Other 8’465 2’568 41 11’074 58
Total 30’245 6’593 79 36’917 130

Total: 36 917

A total of 36,917 foreign nationals were naturalised. Of these, 7,947 came from Germany, 4,207 from Italy and 3,152 from France.

Statistics 2021 (in German)