SEM crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic

Various sections of the SEM faced major challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the SEM was able to perform its tasks to a high standard despite the difficult circumstances, it is important to promptly draw the right lessons with a view to future crisis situations.

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After the crisis is before the crisis. True to this principle, the SEM's crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic was scrutinised both within the office and by external experts. The external evaluation concluded that the SEM had managed the COVID-19 crisis well in terms of the challenges it had faced and the services it had provided. Many things were done well and the goals set were largely achieved. Nevertheless, there is potential for improvement, particularly with regard to crisis preparation and adaptability (resilience).

Although it is not possible to regulate and prepare for any possible constellation down to the smallest detail for every crisis, it is important to more clearly define certain basics such as structures, processes, responsibilities and concepts. Based on the evaluation results, the SEM has launched an internal project to develop a modular toolbox for crisis management. The existing bases of the individual directorates will be taken into account and compared with central instruments.