Return assistance was introduced in 1993 by the then Federal Office for Refugees (FOR). After a long preparatory phase, the first major field test was carried out in 1997/1998: 10,000 people received financial support on their return to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Between July 1999 and May 2001, more than 40,000 people from Kosovo returned home, benefiting from the largest country programme to date. Numerous other regions have been added since then, and there are now return assistance programmes in over 20 countries. SEM’s main partners are the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Key changes
Geographically, the focus has shifted over the years, from the Balkans to North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. At the same time, support in the form of cash payments has become increasingly rare. Today, return assistance usually means local project support, which takes the individual’s needs into account.